Sunday, February 28, 2010 @ 4:59 PM
     Weekend 26 & 27 & 28 Feb !!! FriHaving MaxBrenner at explanade . Our first time there, overall is great.load of chocolate desert and drinks .. We will back for more =D hahas We had our dinner at baojintiian at marina square .. and we even try to catch bear at the crane machine. HAha even we didnt caught it but it was funn..
Friday, February 19, 2010 @ 1:08 AM
 Ps3 ~!!! My friend selling for $450 120gb.. wondering should i get it =x plus somemore i have so little time to play with it too.since monday to friday inside camp . aww i need a good tv to be in my room too so that i wont disturb my family watch tv haha.., Today went company chalet., first time chalet with 90Plus people!!!.it kinda weird..,and we have really nothing to do at there until the BBQ Start. Bad planning =x but it somehow enjoy for us rather always stuck in camp .. i was so fortune to be in this company =D army life wont be so dead~~ i got 1 more day to enjoy before Book In =D Enjoy mac with baby afterward..hahaha twisted fries!!.. it been long can meet up at late weekday, i cant wait for more HAHa
Sunday, February 14, 2010 @ 1:25 AM
Happy CNY and Valentine Day Everyone~!!!
woo~ i was like finally update my deadly blog =X pass few month was like super busy in army ... weekend is always very short. aww cant wait for next CNY , cos by that time i will be very free . waiting for ORD!! lol This year got super many events in army till dec .. somemore NDP =.= awwy forget it.. time will pass fast.. =D Yeah 3rd Valentine Day was great i think , manage to get presents for Love. and baby like my presents. HAHA Tml we will get some great lunch and a nice movie =D