Sunday, November 16, 2008 @ 1:21 AM
Working at new store Yishun.. The air con is dammm spoil =,= super sweat today =x Thanks baby for everythings today.. waited me 4hr =X bought me personal items =X treat everyone APPLE Drinkkkkk..
i so love you... no one have done this for me in my life..hehe Rmb the promise we make... No worry okay.. we must enjoy everyday =)
Thursday, November 06, 2008 @ 9:21 AM
Great morning.. Recieve a msg from yishijie forum.. regard on going 20dec surpises , help them with guitar plays. T.V I am going KL trip on 19-21dec.. hahahas of cos a "No" answer.
Husky* always follow to the toilet and peeps on me
  Haha they playing this wooden box game.while teacher are teaching t.t they till so funny while the class watch them too.. 4 big joker in our class.. if not our class is dead =)
Tuesday, November 04, 2008 @ 3:23 PM
Long time no update =x been rather busy.. monday-friday = Sch Friday-sunday= Work BabyLoves=Everyday =)
Project Task
In 3D max 4assignment 2main project in Computer modeling, animation. Sofa and Tv is my assignment 1 Guitar is Assignment 2 See here.. for tutorial..It going mad.=/ http://www.tutorialized.com/view/tutorial/Classical-Guitar/26316
This website is kinda funny for image effect.. http://www.photofunia.com/ Some example:
Wow everyone coming for our show.

It Our own Movie ^^ Only Cats understand -____-
 Yo.it hip hop pop pop It is so funny..am i dead 0.0
 That all.
Resting now =)