i think this pic is during ksing.. ha-x

clock again.but no item drop..f4
hardworking baby =S thanks u for there on that day.
really shock me .. hahhas..
tat wei hao..is he strong? omg

so mani lit picture to blog up again..
most of it was from maple.. ahas maple maple maple..
tuesday at sch was kinda busy..busy with assignment all this..
this whole week sch is so busy....but day by day soon will be done..
holiday coming.. will try to work more.. saving for the Epiphone Les Paul too
but gotta miss bi as she has to work almost everyday =S
aww seem so moody day for babyciia..
dunno wad can i do for tat haappenn too.
great she told me wad has happen...
just wish everyday bi alwways so happy..
see her laugh so much talking so much just make me happi tgt with her too =D
when she is down., feeling so moody..aww heart pain =X dun feel gd too.
life isnt gotta be hard.. think postitive.. doing the best it more than enough.
life is short.. live happily everyone =D live meaningfully.. time is kept running..,dun regret..
although some people family has lot of problem with..but the best to do is face it..
nth going to change if you avoid .. i believe the best u try to improve it.sumday it will turn to be good by days..
yah one of my frens is like tat.but see the way he fighting the problems. somehow it will be more better i hope for you..free to tell me ur problem again if u need listening ear..
it late.. nite everyone..