Friday, November 30, 2007 @ 12:43 AM
bad day bad day.. just wanna sorry...
Tuesday, November 27, 2007 @ 12:00 AM
We went THEME PARK today lovesloves.. with bi and her fun althought the ride are less.. hahsaww kinda angry!!.. cos of the sms i sent , but babyciaa didnt recieved at all..somethings ba i think so...think i make her think that i ignore her=/ so sry..slept inside the bus when back toward home. when wake up a lady sit beside me first sight she look kinda like ciia. realli shocked me hahas.but acutally is not..aww just realli miss baby.. =/see baby tml =D.. love loves......
Friday, November 23, 2007 @ 12:14 AM
Realli ♥ u lot lotahahahx i already save picture As.. i didnt steal wor baby..hahahs argh..bad bad day ytd night..realli so sorry.. =( realli dun wan to give my babyciaa aways or give up...realli ♥ u lotsssss i wont be happy without you..can i take back my words from ytd night?.. =( hope so kinda loss at school works already i guess. kinda sad after lessson assignment.. the feeling is just not good... dunno anythings at all..awww think i didnt put much effort in too.. i will work hard de..We went movies..with baby n her buddy classmates. hashax nice..^^went jamming after that,,. sat is rehas already,, it gotta be fun,, so endoresu just enjoy =D
Thursday, November 22, 2007 @ 11:15 PM
baby ,LOLS ! STUPID BAND !! ♥
Sunday, November 18, 2007 @ 4:52 PM been long time sunday has nth for me working no outing no band today...awww but it kinda relax..hahas been long time since i update..,ohya dec1 coming..omg..very nervous. hahahs lousy jor.. been many plc with babyciaa this week. hmm Wednesday was going with her to her's maplefren chalet..had bbq over there..yummi.hahas Thursday before jamming. have the bee movie with bi..hahahsx not bad quite nice.hahas den baby with her finger with this =) realli make my day .so funny hahas Friday ops i didnt went sch.. but afternoon went fareast with bi and her nitec mac frens shopping first before went marina Sq have pizza hut with her other frens n 1 teacher..hahas and omg friday again saw class de.. hahas always friday saw him outside with bi one..  Satursday whole day didnt meet dao =( aww aww night time bi seem upset to me =( i dunno. maybe i said wrong things =( aww but i realli wan be with U to face anythings.. ssry again baby =( reali wan u to be tiantian kai xin =D
will be meeting tml moring breakfast..*hotcakehotcake* ahahs love love my ciaa ciiaa
Wednesday, November 14, 2007 @ 12:10 AM
HAPPI FIVE LIL WEEK BI Simply Hearts You Alot - punishh punishh - ♥ uu'll olyax be my LOVES ♥
("v") 09 oct o7 ("v")
Monday, November 12, 2007 @ 9:13 PM
♥ FRIDAY ;Happi ONE month wif baby ~ .. insteadd of goingg fish&co & movie ~~ we neber follow upp our plann :D .. Hmm wen ps ~ manage to get somee donutss for buggy ~ aww !! buggy cheer upp (: ~ * antant .. hahahahahahaa .. baby & ME wenn clark quay wif weihao & buggy ~ dine in at BILLY BOMBER ~ ! fav fav ~ waahhahahahAHhahaaa .. * HOME SWEET HOMEEE♥ SATURSDAY ;neber work ~ spendd mi lil weekendd wif my stupid boy ! wenn wif baby for jamming ! noisy ~ but enjoy wif HIM ~ carry guitar for him !! aww part time MAID ♥ .. hahhahaHAhahaa .. ooopss
♥ SUNDAY - MONDAYY ; baby come fetch mii ~ sendd mi to work ~ ♥ HIM much much .. after work meet up wif baby ~ wen chalet ~ & we stay over there .. wahhahahahaaa .. neber get to slpp & we straight go schh .. super tiredd !! aww .. baby still slpping ~ mii poor lil boy ! endd schhh so late !! xin ku nii lerr * muack ~
_____________`signn off ; ciia [ LOVES ]
Tuesday, November 06, 2007 @ 11:58 PM
 awwy.. stomach still pain..maybe eat wrong stuffs.. nono i got baobao ler.. 1 month baobao..hahhs so funny =x opps today skipped sch..due to my stomach.. i woke already.but i went toliet.den i tot of resting awhile at my bed.but i turn up sleeping =/ keke baby wake me up le but i still didnt went sch.. opps sry sry =(
at night we have afternoon i went town there walk somthings =D den meet up with babyciaa,kelvin n Weihao.. den bought cookies for baby too.. i didnt order before. dunno which kinds to buy too.., quite mani favourite. got one so alike da bian.. so blacky..ahahahha..wonder it nice anot =x...den i dunno 100g will less anot. i saw infront me the ppl buy le decide 100g enough..hahahs so funny.. den went wei hao hse wait him to take his guitar.., so funny =D so funny the signboard~~~
yawn happenin at guitar club.. during jamming.. hmmm sound all not right... the "ami all.. so weird.. den so funny.., kept forgot mani things.. beyond song de chore all forget. 2nd time play..all messy up.. GG =.= den came to cassis.. this time forget =x make me laugh out =,- came to last song..distortion sux!! argh no moody play intro =-,- so today jamming was GG..hahsh =,=
yawn..went back home le.. still pain arh *crycry baby went slp le wor.. =/ nth to do now for me =x nite baby =D loveloves
Monday, November 05, 2007 @ 10:07 PM
awww so cute ah de cuppcake !! for my baby ~ baby , ♥ thanks you for de PUI ~ drink ! yuck ~ * POISONNN >.< thanks uu ah :D wo aii nii ~ HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA .. aww DEEPAVALI COMINGG ~ baby going performm at lil indiann weiHao olso ~~ =x so FUNNI .. HOHOHOHO :D aww , baby make mi wait for him todae again ~ longg longg super longg .. * punishh punishh ~ wahahahAHhahAHahahAHhaaa waitin for baby is my glory ~ but but wen baby wait for mii ~~ __________________ let him anss himself ~~ HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA >.< oopss
♥ simply hearts uu dear ~
am ii dumbb or stupidd ? maybe ii think both ~
_____________`signn off ; ciia [ LOVES ]
Sunday, November 04, 2007 @ 11:32 PM
.jpg) .jpg) .jpg) awww ~ yester saw this cuteee lil bearrr at de bear workshopp ~~ so ke liann ~ NAKED !! so buy for baby ~~ & put a bow !! LOLS !! veryy funnii ~~ olso make a tagg miiself to attachh to de bearbear pigguuu ~~ de date we startedd ~~ :D awww 5 lil more days ONE MONTH * excited !! *
each lil knot count ~ twice to tighten it ~ * HEARTS YOU ! so Happii baby come fetch mi todae !! wahahahhaAha !! we go eat macc breakfast ~~!! punishh punishh !! baby ~ so funni ah !! HAHAHAHAHAHA .. aww gonaa see bii in a few hours time ~~ :D
baby , ♥Hmm maybe is all mi fault ~ ( . _ . )
_____________`signn off ; ciia [ LOVES ]
Saturday, November 03, 2007 @ 1:46 AM
yawn~just feel like blogging since so long been didnt update by n internet having that y =Xtml is sat~! but i dun think can meet baby..tml moring gotta be early at Cc. hmmm miss missbaby got no problem ma? on friday night..sms seem moody? hmmm cheer up =D love lovesjust kinda feel suay today..hp line been cut off.. stress will be fine .. it okay.yeah if u have read "Boon" blogs it wrote that we will having our first live at the republic poly..hmmm hmmm stress stress.. i think it will be nervous..hahashbut i hope everyone enjoy =D most importantly is enjoy..! getting perform on stage already a dream come gambatte endoresu~ =D we will walk to together~hahahsX!