Wednesday, October 31, 2007 @ 8:42 PM
she's jus so cute !!
lalaalalaaa .. >.<
_____________`signn off ; ciia [ LOVES ]
Monday, October 29, 2007 @ 12:09 AM
sii bian bian !! sadd ; chou baby torture my chou chouu ( T _ T ' ) lock`edd her upp !! MEIMEI [ so cutee ] LOVES HERshe simply so cuteeeee !![ SUNDAYY ] aww LOVED todayy !! wenn pastaa maniaa wif baby !! LOVES HIM SO MUCH !! stupidd baby ! after tat dear wenn workk lerr !! shen jing bingg him got FLU !! =x pass to ME !! * punishh punishh !!
GET WELL SOONN HUH !! * baby seeee uuuu tmrrrrr ~
_____________`signn off ; ciia [ LOVES ]
Wednesday, October 24, 2007 @ 10:04 PM
[ _ o9 oct'o7 ; baby&ME ] [ baby MA SA ! ]
awww ..
simply LOVES YOU !
[ BUS STOP ] < recordeddd ~ [ BUS ] < recordeddd ~~
_____________`signn off ; ciia [ LOVES ]
Monday, October 22, 2007 @ 10:03 PM
monday le so fast =/ 2nd week of school started..argH hmmm still think where babyciia gotta bring me to tml ><> but anywhere also happy.cos tml gotta be the 2nd week we been togethers. hmm lovesloves talking with baby at the BUSTOP* before take my bus home.hahas enjoy hmm lovesloves realli hope bus wont come forever..LOLS Enjoy much today^^
GlamorousSky by Girugamesh.. nice ^^
Sunday, October 21, 2007 @ 12:14 AM
<)" ' " (><)' " x"(>(^(oo)^) (^(oo)^)(,( "')( '") ("' )("' ),)[ _ o9 oct'o7 ; baby&ME ]
HOHOHOHO !! * busstop (: [ mylilbox _ sorry ]
they kiddnapp mi baby todae =x .. LOLSS !!! misss baby much much !! >.< .. gladd tat baby enjoyedd himself todae !! awww poor boy !! handd mux be pain pain * PUNISH !!!
HAHAHHAHAHAHA !! punishh punisshh !!
babyy thanks you !! xin ku nii lerr !! * LOVES LOVES LOVES
_____________`signn off ; ciia [ LOVES ]
Saturday, October 20, 2007 @ 2:11 AM
wee friday over le.and went bugis after sch with baby and her classmateshmmm after lunch most of them have to go for work. so left the 3 of us. me, bi, whyah can see babyciiaa so tire lor on the way back home >< hehe sry sry xin ku ler been to our jamming both wed n thursday =xmost happin things on thursday..big Diao..><i off sch 2hr+ early than babyciiaaso i went with david to cityhall to buy donut for her =Dhmmm bought 2 box.1 for her den 1 for endoresu.tot she going back after she end her she can eat the donuts at home.but when i meet up with her after buying donut.. she told me actually they also wanna give us surpise by going buy donuts and appear at our jamming place =/ argH surpose to give her surpise one... hahasso funny both wanna give surpise but end up hmmm hmmm Hahahsbaby thanks you thanks you ^^hmmm some1 said i botak den ... den .. den...ARGh bully!! dun arh >< lovesloves kk tml it babyCiiaa turn to blog.. =D wahahah
Endoresu hmmm new song we gotta play~~ Glamorous SKy , Alicenine "Q" nice nice ^^..Gambatte Let enjoy the best before drummer (boon) serve his Ns on april08.. sigh..let try hit 15 jrock song ^^
Friday, October 19, 2007 @ 12:21 AM
awww <)" ' " (><)' " x"(> (^(oo)^) (^(oo)^) (,( "')( '") ("' )("' ),)
[ _ o9 oct'o7 ; baby&ME ]
LOVES BABY MUCH MUCH * muack ~__ thanks youu for de donuts !! punnishhh_ thanks for de everythinggg !! punishhh______ LOVES LOVES LOVESS !! still punishhh[lilbox] sorry baby !! * shy_____________`signn off ; ciia [ LOVES ]
Thursday, October 18, 2007 @ 1:05 AM
today we went jamming after schbut only boon wei hao &me with baby at mrt.tot acc her home den i go jamming..end up she follow me back take guitar den went with me to jamming.hahahs surpise me ><lols.! must be fan si her ler.with our music we play..hahahs but i dun care..wahahah let her ear spoil..LOl =xgreat to see her smile smile here smile smile there..heex glad u are happy =Dlovesloves ben benHAHAS..hmmm okay benben must be fall asleep ler. si pigu.. still said i tire. u more tire bah.wahahhs..night night =D
Tuesday, October 16, 2007 @ 7:09 PM
 [ Happi SEVEN lil dayy ; baby&ME ] _ for my baby jordannnn _
noisy music !! =x fann sii ahh ( ._ .) * going craZy !! NOISY NOISYY HAHAHAHAHAHAA .. <)" ' " (><)' " x"(> (^(oo)^) (^(oo)^) ______ ("v") (,( "')( '") ("' )("' ),)
[ 09oct`o7 ] myLOVES !!
aww ! thanks baby for everythingg ah !! PUNISH !! =x * take canecane LOVES YOU ; muack ~ He noti , idiotic , retardedd , benn sii ler ! stupidd stupid !!! mysweets ! LOVES HIM MUCH MUCH !! gonaa torture HIM =x ! YES !! HAHAHHAHAA !!!!!!!! thanks baby even thou uu stay so far * thanks so much !! >.< [weiHAO] cheerup (: wif manii loves jordan =x _____________`signn off ; ciia [ LOVES ]
Sunday, October 14, 2007 @ 11:59 PM
wow finally going reopen school ><> cannot slp late.,cannot slp more.., cannot jam more.., cannot ton at boon hse more.. AHAHs feel like jamming tml morning lor rather than sch.. Hahahsh today morning cannot wake up to meet dear ><>< hmmm so funny at work. hmm boon recieve april de gift. >< heart =""> hmmm boon stress. ha. but it up to u. think it will have problem next time. den better not. =x most importly happy jiu hao =x tml can see dear at sch..HAHAS so weird.. LOL yami ni chiru Sakura ~!! see the real bassist how he play!!! that is den call music =D
finally last song done . heex
Tuesday, October 09, 2007 @ 10:02 PM
went back home after chalet today.. hmm not bad.,but still kinda weird cos with weihao classmate. HAhasso awkward when they are emo =.= dunno wad to do..pls like smile -xthink long think serious before asking ciiaa abt ithmm from today 091007 let face any problem tgt k *ROAR**cos i hope to be long long with u =/ loves*
Sunday, October 07, 2007 @ 12:23 AM
He called bianbian HAhas..see his size and u know.^^ alliciiaa is fierce..wanna kill me ><oh man she gave me the bear bear.. hahaa so kawaii. keke. ppl will fainted if they know i like bear =.= LOL but still got limit larh.where got guy dam like soft toy..hahas but i still like bianbian. ^^ gotta find the red nose before her =D den i win.. lols went lesson today,. hmmm J.r get the idea of the last song ler. not bad. i guess we are ready in 2 more week.. Gambatte endoresu.. heard that there is 5 band together..hehex we are stress. endoresu only 6month together =/ ticket will be out next 2 month.. april n grace came in our jamming room.., someone wan watch our drumer at work ma.haha sometime i think it boring for them.. went bishun .she(myexgf) pass me back my stuff.she wrote a letter..hmmm dunno wad to said or wad.. hmmm just feel that i happy now..without her. hmm my decision is correct sry i am a BAD guy =(
Thursday, October 04, 2007 @ 12:34 AM
oh man today am i lucky? didnt expected my MME getting a A grade. hahas i surpose C is the best le =V hmmm some more dad pass me $100 // 0.0 wow working money. hahash
I WAN buy a guitar .may cos 800$+ argh// hmm slowly save n buy//keke nth can compare to guitar interm of things i like.only guitar =D
today jamming was fun ^^ everyone seem back from sick. yeah so great to play mani song at a shot. hope we hit 15 jrock song ^^ aliciiaa so nice for getting for me the medi. i got use okay ha., oyah cheer up..dun emo freak i tell u =/
time will decide =(