Tuesday, May 29, 2007 @ 11:56 PM
kinda tire after work.maybe working with newcomer this few times. everythings nid for me to do it.. i MISS JJ!!! hahas. as we work tgt we share the burden.more relax =X
saw the DJ 933 chongqin come watch movies again.saw him third time liao.with his "GAY"partner.
chongqin seem like broken his arm!! few scar on his face too..ekk
he never order stuff from counter .all time was done my his partner=.=
keke and i saw one of my ite frenz she seem to be shock to saw me workin at there =,= fuck Q
keke nice gazette taken by me.diy
dun think yin got name tag nia lo i also got one.lol
smelly bread><

free lolipop!!